AtomLab for atomic-scale quantum nanomaterials at the HU Berlin & PalmaLab for atomically precise soft matter technology at IOP CAS
Are you looking for low-temperature scanning probe and photoemission microscopes equipped with different hydrogen, light and X-ray sources? We got you.
FAIR Automated 4.5K STM/AFM PEEM
Our 'dual microscope' hosts the FAIR Self-Driving UHV Lab project with the goal of autonomously fabricating ultra-long spin chains characterised via PEEM at the microscopic scale and with LT STM/AFM at the single-spin scale.
Our 'AFM' lab hosts one ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) Raman and photoluminescence-coupled variable temperature atomic force microscope usually working at 1.1 MHz (Raman MHz VT-AFM) and one time-of-flight mass spectrometer coupled with a 1 Kelvin atomic force microscope (ToF-MS 1K AFM). The systems feature shadow-mask evaporation and low-temperature transport capabilities and complementary techniques. The ToF-MS routinely works in a temperature programmed desorption (TPD-MS) modality up to 1400 K, and with complementary Mg/Al X-ray desorption ionization (XDI-MS) or 337 nm laser desorption ionization (LDI-MS) units.
A 'coincidence' (aka 'super-resolution') time-of-flight two-photon photoemission electron microscope (2PPE ToF-PEEM) system is being upgraded in lab 0116.
Need to measure your sample at RT and ~30 K, or maybe simply fancy direct-heating? A die-hard Omicron (C) VT is there for you.
Device Lab
Our optical and device lab is currently hosted in an open facility for high resolution optical microscopy and probe station measurements under vacuum.